Tài liệu Product Management cho người mới

Tài liệu Product Management cho người mới

Dưới đây là những tài liệu hay về lĩnh vực Product Management bạn nên đọc để trở thành Product Owner, Product Manager hay Product Leaders. Những bài viết ở mức cơ bản, phù hợp cho những người mới bắt đầu, để bắt đầu sự nghiệp làm Product của mình một cách dễ dàng hơn.

PM interview prep:

  1. The only thing that matters by Marc Andreessen: lnkd.in/dHYmqkRd

  2. Relentlessly resourceful by Paul Graham: lnkd.in/d9nGPSFJ

  3. Product Management mental models for everyone by Brandon Chu: lnkd.in/dzMx4JfW

  4. The first principles of product management by Brandon Chu: lnkd.in/d4YS_fHi

  5. 12 things about product market fit: lnkd.in/dyuHB3PC

  6. The Minimum Viable Product Manager: lnkd.in/d32aBj_y

Design thinking process:

  1. How would you design an interface for a 1000 floor elevator?: lnkd.in/dWx2Khxz

Building great culture as a PM:

  1. How to work with engineers by Julie Zhou: lnkd.in/dyY6HsYC

  2. How to work with designers by Julie Zhou: lnkd.in/dbZCH4cm

Execution and Prioritization:

  1. The time value of shipping by Brandon chu: lnkd.in/dvHVpG7D

  2. Deadlines by Brandon chu: lnkd.in/dNS7ApXh

Defensible growth:

  1. Do things that dont scale by Paul Graham: lnkd.in/dnmJ285n

2.What we look in founders by Paul Graham: lnkd.in/dHE45YSq

  1. Why paid marketing sucks, Network effects, Viral Growth, and more: lnkd.in/d6pe8mYv

Product leadership:

  1. Why leaders eat last by Simon Sinek: lnkd.in/dHBmikuX

  2. Navigation success for your startup by Sam Altman: lnkd.in/dSur_KYX


  1. Sorting hat: lnkd.in/dcRNTu8D

  2. Seeing like an algorithm: lnkd.in/dEe8Xtg6

  3. She in the tiktok of commerce: lnkd.in/dzhRe_fN

From: Shravan Tikoo